Blacksmith Type

Last summer I had the pleasure of working as an aprentice blacksmith to my sister at Columbia State Park. This is some of the typography we would create day to day.



Horseshoes were our scrap metal. We experimented with all sorts of shapes, figures symbols. Kristi, my sister, had been working there for several years and was pretty fast in the forge. It was a lot of fun learning a new trade, but I am glad I don’t have to huff coal all day anymore.


This is my latest linocut, Yeti. I wanted to create a simple print in the spirit of the season and rather than using the usual figures I decided to go with a cryptozoology favorite. I printed this at Lisa Smithson’s print shop in Columbia, CA. Her family and I equipped her shed for printing this summer and now that I have been laid off I have a little time to get in there. I plan on making a bunch more relief prints in the future, hopefully enough for a themed show next winter. I will keep you updated on those prints as they evolve. Watch the blog in the near future for an interview with Smithson and read about her awesome plans for introducing printmaking to Tuolumne County!
