Alley Art – This Weekend

The time is upon us. This weekend the greatest collection of bowling pin art ever assembled in Tuolumne City will be displayed from Friday the 21st through Sunday the 23rd at the Black Oak Casino Bowling Alley. My jaw drops further with each pin that is submitted. There is a mass of untapped artistry and creativity that is going to be released upon this county like the latest oil spill; staining everything in it’s path with awesomeness. Many of these creatives have never shown their work publicly so you have no idea what to expect. Do yourself a favor and stop by, grab a white russian and take a gander.

Alley Art Update

Spread the word: Alley Art is on it’s way! There are just a couple more weeks until 30+ artists unleash their artistic visions upon the unsuspecting people of Black Oak Casino. Below are examples of some of the directions artists have been taking their bowling pins.

Remember all of the pins and other art will only be displayed together as a collection once, from May 21st to the 23rd. If you are in North America at the time you should make the pilgrimage to Tuolumne City’s Black Oak Casino to roll some rocks, sip a Caucasian and purchase some purdy pins.

Bowling Show

Good news everybody! Weeks ago I approached The Black Oak Casino inquiring about old bowling pins to use for an art show. They graciously donated 30 bowling pins for my project and took it a step further by offering to host the art show during their Pro/Amateur bowling tournament to be held May 21-23! It was an offer I couldn’t refuse, ensuring that the show will be housed in a high traffic area.

Soon after receiving the pins I sprung into action, giving the bowling pins to various artist and craftspeople to enhance as they see fit. To ensure an exciting and diverse show the pins were put in the hands of tattoo artists, hot rod painters, pin strippers, illustrators, fine artists, graphic artists, sculptors, designers, graffiti artists, photographers and more. The participating artists hail from up and down the state including Long Beach, Temecula, Sacramento, and the Bay Area in addition to our local Tuolumnites. I am very excited to see the final collection of pins and will be sure to post photos for those unlucky enough not to attend.

This is the first of many themed art shows I will be hosting here in Tuolumne County. Hopefully these shows will spark a bit of excitement in the flat-lining local art scene and inspire other young creatives to become active in the community. I will keep you posted with bowling pin teasers and future events so stay tuned and let me hear some feed back!