Artist Survey #15: Danae Wilson

I met Danae on my second day at CSU Long Beach. We lived in the same dorm building and along with her roommate Christina and my neighbor Mike became good friends. She has a talent to control whatever medium she works with incredible ease. At least it looks that way to me…I can’t paint fer crap!

{Oil on Canvas}

{Oil on Canvas}

{Screen Print}

{Oil on Canvas}

Name: Danae Wilson

Location: Long Beach, CA

Medium(s): Drawing and Painting- Charcoal and Oil on Canvas mostly but I do pattern making and screen-printing, as well as ceramics and metal work.

What do you consider yourself (artist/designer/other)? I am an artist, but I play around with interior and graphic design.

Where can we see your work (place/publications/url)? My flickr but it needs to be updated there’s not much there.

When did you start gaining interest in artistic forms of expression? I started drawing when I was 2. My dad was a Pastor of a church and my mom worked so I stayed with him during the days. I would sit on the floor drawing and painting for hours. I was five when I told my mom I would try and think of something I wanted to paint before I went to bed so that I could dream about and have more to paint about.

Who/What inspired your interest? I used to take lessons as a child and I would go to The San Diego Museum of Art. My favorite painting as a child was Jaques-Louis David’s Death of Marat. I also loved the impressionists and the idea that I could invent anything I wanted on paper. My other inspiration was Harold and the Purple Crayon, I loved that he invented a world around him using only his purple crayon and some imagination.

What is your day job? I am a Photo Retoucher. I use Photoshop to enhance wall portraits (removing blemishes, wrinkles, extra pounds, and unwanted people in backgrounds).

Why do you create? I create because I have to. I don’t create enough though and this plagues me.

Is there any recurring theme in your work? The idea of dystopia comes up a lot in my work, which I think stems from coming to Los Angeles and my feelings of disenchantment and disgust, mixed with wonder. I also focus on personal themes, roles of women, and often my work is inspired by classic literature. I am also a Comparative World Literature minor.

What do you want from your work? I want my work to inspire and receive respect from those who I admire and respect within my art community, but I also want my work to stay universal and retain the ability to communicate to those who are not part of the “art world” and have no training in art history and the art canon.

What do you want viewers to take from your work? I like people to be able to project their own feelings and emotions onto my work. When I create something that is open ended enough that someone else can come and put his or her own interpretation into the piece, then I’m happy.

How often do you work on personal projects? Pretty often. My figurative works are what I consider my “personal projects,” although I have been showing them at school lately so they are less personal.

How often do you work on commissions or commercial work? I do paintings for charities although I never show this work to anyone else because of how commercial and even kitschy the works can be.

Does your art support you financially? No. However I do find photo retouching to be a distant cousin of painting and its close enough since it pays the bills.

Do you feel preoccupied with your art, do you think about it often during the day and night and do you anticipate your next session? Yes. I think of all sorts of projects and paintings that never come into existence because of factors like time, money, and freedom to explore without feeling like the work is “unworthy.” I need to let go of those restrictions though.

What do you do in your spare time besides your art? I go camping, I love nature, I love being away from the city. I ride my bike on the beach a lot. These things make me so happy. When I can, I travel. I push myself to grow whenever I can and I pursue things that make me uncomfortable. I never want to be at rest.

Which musicians are you currently interested in? Bon Iver, Fatboy Slim, Sigur Ros, and always Classic Rock

Are there any events you are looking forward to attending? COACHELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long do you generally take on a piece? A week. I have NO patience. I’m a “one-shot” painter and I don’t usually go back to old pieces.

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your art? Over and Over. Artists can only date very patient and understanding people who see that art is a necessity and who want to promote your growth rather than monopolize your time.  I could have done anything coming out of High School, but I chose the art path and I know that I will probably never see a ladder that I can climb or any obvious ways to advance myself. Artists have to be as creative with their career and employment as they are with their art.

Do you work on multiple projects at once? Yes. I work on abstracted apocalyptic landscapes, as well as large-scale figurative drawings.

Do you have trouble parting with your finished work? I never part with my work, at least not anything I really cared for. I know it will be hard when I do but so far I have hoarded most of my work or given it to my mother and father.

Artist Survey #9: Corey West

Corey is a local artist who’s work has exploded in our county. She is a really hard worker, attending all of the festivals and craft fairs in the county. She also beautifully frames and mattes work. I go to her for all of my presentation needs. Even Jesus was prepared by her!




Name: Corey West

Location: Sonora, CA

Medium(s): mixed : watercolor, acrylic, ink, collage and found objects

What do you consider yourself (artist/designer/other)? well- good art has good design – so shouldn’t artists be designers as well?

Where can we see your work (place/publications/url)? Ventana Gallery (Sonora), San Francisco Design Center (Hinc Showroom)

When did you start gaining interest in artistic forms of expression? I don’t remember not having interest in artistic forms of expression.

Who/What inspired your interest? It has always been there, but my dad helped me grow my interest by encouraging it.

Where do you first remember being exposed to art? It has always been around me.

What is your day job? I work in my studio full time – painting and custom framing

Why do you create? That is hard to answer. Creating art is such a part of me… it is who I am. I can’t imagine not creating…

Is there any recurring theme in your work? Not necessarily.

What do you want from your work? I want my work to inspire me to keep learning and growing.

What do you want viewers to take from your work? There is a lot, but basically if I can make people smile, give them inspiration – I am happy. My work is happy – there is so much doom and gloom out there and if I can portray a happier life then I am doing my job.

How often do you work on personal projects? As much as possible.

How often do you work on commissions or commercial work? Often, but even the commercial work and commissions I have a way of turning them into personal projects (makes it much more fun to do).

Does your art support you financially? Pays the studio bills, but that is all for now.

Do you feel preoccupied with your art, do you think about it often during the day and night and do you anticipate your next session? If I am not in the studio painting I am thinking about what I am going to work on next.

What do you do in your spare time besides your art? I don’t have spare time. I take care of my baby and run a business where I do framing, painting, make purses from repurposed fabric, jewelry…so there is no free time.

Which musicians are you currently interested in? I listen to my baby’s musical toys more than anything so the only thing stuck in my brain is the abc’s!

Are there any events you are looking forward to attending? A friend of mine is working on opening a gallery in the Oakland area and showing my work…I am very excited about that.

How long do you generally take on a piece? It varies. Anywhere from a day to a week sometimes more.

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your art? I have never been in a situation where it would be an issue.

Do you work on multiple projects at once? Yes.

Do you have trouble parting with your finished work? No. My work is very personal, but once it is done I move on. And besides, if I am ever going to make a living at this I have to be willing to part with it.

Artist Survey #5: TaVon Sampson

TaVon is an art director at Island Def Jam Music Group along with my friend Todd Russell. Check your local music store for some of his work.


(Malcom X : Graphite)


(Beanie Siegel CD Packaging)


(USDA CD Packaging)


(NAS CD Concept)

Name: TaVon Sampson

Location: MANHATTAN (Keeps on makin’ it) / BROOKLYN (Keeps on Takin’ it)

Medium(s): Pencil & Graphic Design

What do you consider yourself (artist/designer/other)? Artist & Designer

Where can we see your work (place/publications/url)? At a Record store Near You, magazines Billboards.

When did you start gaining interest in artistic forms of expression? Since Birth as far as I know…I think I was drawing inside the walls of the womb…lol

Who/What inspired your interest? Nobody really but myself…I always liked to see what I create because it always amazes me in the end. Im my biggest fan.

Where do you first remember being exposed to art? When I first picked up a pencil…I used to draw all of these comic books and send them to my uncle every week when I was like 4 or 5 years old and ask him if I gotten better since the last week

What is your day job? Art Director/ Graphic Designer

Why do you create? Self Satisfaction, I love to see what Im going to do next, adding another piece onto the collection…Love to show the world how my brain works visually.

Is there any recurring theme in your work? No theme, except for the fact that I try to create something better each time.

What do you want from your work? I want to look at it and get goosebumps…if I don’t look at it and say damn that’s that shit right there….I don’t ever want to look at it again.

What do you want viewers to take from your work? I want them to want to meet the person behind the visual and to appreciate the talent.

How often do you work on personal projects? Every single second I’m breathing.

How often do you work on commissions or commercial work? Every day.

Does your art support you financially? Yes it does.

Do you feel preoccupied with your art, do you think about it often during the day and night and do you anticipate your next session? Yeah pretty much…Since its my job and my natural talent & hobby…I’m always doing art and during the day and night, so the only time I am thinking about it is when I am dreaming.

What do you do in your spare time besides your art? Research and figure out a way to take it to the next level, I try to make business contacts and look at other art for inspiration…never did that as I child but Now that I have matured I see the importance…and also hang out with my family and my lady.

Which musicians are you currently interested in? The list goes on…but…Marvin Gaye and Nas when I’m in creative mode.

Are there any events you are looking forward to attending? Yes, My future Grammy acceptance…lol ( Hasn’t happened yet)

How long do you generally take on a piece? Personal project – no time limit, I have an idea I’ve been developing for 14 years. Commercial piece…from the time given to the deadline.

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your art? No not really everything I’ve been around has always dealing with art, I’ve gained a lot of relationships through it honestly, people really appreciate the talent. Only thing I lose is sleep.

Do you work on multiple projects at once? Yes all of the time, I really don’t like to work that way though.

Do you have trouble parting with your finished work? Yeah all of the time, it feels like I’m giving someone an undiscovered organ in my body. Its like your child. When you get a canvas or a blank document its an empty placenta…then throughout your art process It’s the last thing I look at before I go to sleep and the first thing I look at when I wake up…you work on it and work on it working to improve it to be the closest to perfect as you can, like raising a child. Once you finish and you sell it to the customer, its like sending your kid off to college, you are so proud of what it as become since that blank piece of paper, screen or canvas.

Artist Survey # 4: Kyle Marmesh

I got to know Kyle through MySpace. That’s right. I said it, MySpace. We grew up in the same town and went to the same elementary school, but he was a few years younger than me and our paths never properly crossed. He has work throughout the Bay Area hardcore scene and select bike shops. Look for his stuff on a west coast near you.

Name: Kyle Marmesh

Location: Bellingham, WA

Medium(s): Design, Printmaking

What do you consider yourself (artist/designer/other)? Aspiring designer.

Where can we see your work (place/publications/url)?

When did you start gaining interest in artistic forms of expression? I have been interested in the arts for as long as I can remember. My family is pretty artistic so I was surrounded by it while I was growing up. My Bro is a musician, Pop’s draws a lot, and ma has always had an eye for interior design.

Who/What inspired your interest? I guess the initial inspiration came from album artwork and layouts. I grew up listening to a lot of punk and hardcore. Alan Forbes was a huge influence when I was younger, now I enjoy work by Linas Garsys, Steak Mtn! and You Work For Them.

Where do you first remember being exposed to art? I can’t remember the first time I was ‘exposed’ to it. But the first time I was truly intrigued by a single piece I was about 6 and I saw Van Gough’s ‘Starry Night.’ My taste has changed, nearly inverted since, but that was the first.

What is your day job? Teller at BofFuckinA!

Why do you create? Why does anybody create?

Is there any recurring theme in your work? Only that I’m never satisfied with the final piece.

What do you want from your work?I want to find and get inspiration from my own work.

What do you want viewers to take from your work? Be inspired. To think. To enjoy looking at it in any way.

How often do you work on personal projects? Pretty often.

How often do you work on commissions or commercial work? Only a few times every couple months.

Does your art support you financially? Nope, not yet. I can only hope to be so lucky!

Do you feel preoccupied with your art, do you think about it often during the day and night and do you anticipate your next session? Yes.

What do you do in your spare time besides your art? Ride bikes mostly. Read books on typography and design. I grew up in the mountains so a day where I don’t touch dirt isn’t a very good one.

Which musicians are you currently interested in? JF Robitaille, Polar Bear Club, Bridge and Tunnel, Austin Lucas, Cursed, Chris Knight, and of course, Hot Water Music.

Are there any events you are looking forward to attending? Revival Tour in Seattle on Oct. 26!

How long do you generally take on a piece? It depends, on personal pieces I tend to take quite a long time going back and forth between drafts and different ideas. I’ve never missed a deadline for a client though.

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your art? Haven’t had to yet, and hope to god I won’t ever have to. Not sure which way I’d go.

Do you work on multiple projects at once? Yes, quite often.

Do you have trouble parting with your finished work? If I know it is going to be printed by a quality shop I usually have a pretty loose grip. However, if it is going into unfamiliar hands, I tend to hold on a little tighter.

Artist Survey #3: Ape-Bo-Peep

I met Ape, as she likes to be called, during my 3rd year at CSU, Long Beach. We had Computer Graphics with Tim Musso (a total badass designer) and became quick friends. She is absorbed with the smallest details and is relentless in the pursuit of perfection. She is a fantastic designer, the only student I personally knew that made it into the rigorous design program at CSULB. Take a look at her explorations of different materials and textures and you will see why.

Name: ape-bo-peep

Location: LBC

Medium(s): experimental but alas, largely design.

What do you consider yourself (artist/designer/other)? A designer with the self-indulgent, rebellious spirit of an artist.

Where can we see your work (place/publications/url)? Through clairvoyance only, better have a crystal ball handy.

When did you start gaining interest in artistic forms of expression? As a youngster.

Who/What inspired your interest? Mom, awww.

Where do you first remember being exposed to art? Supervised: melting crayons and marble art. Unsupervised: playing with mud and coloring in the pictures printed on paper towels and watching them bleed underwater drops.

What is your day job? I design for West Coast Choppers, school, and freelance with Mr. Tang Bang.

Why do you create? It seems to be a necessary human activity.

Is there any recurring theme in your work? Concept: I like to challenge what people are comfortable with. Execution: Nature in some form.

What do you want from your work? Fame and glory.

What do you want viewers to take from your work? In my own work do not care if people completely understand. I do, however, want people to feel challenged by the concept or execution. Working for clients is another story. That is, of course, where  your own ideas are often compromised and the clients objective is priority.

How often do you work on personal projects? Mostly I turn my school projects into concepts that I am interested in so they become personal. They are sometimes not what the instructor had intended but in the end I am helping paying his/her salary.

How often do you work on commissions or commercial work? 3-5 days a week.

Does your art support you financially? Yes

Do you feel preoccupied with your art, do you think about it often during the day and night and do you anticipate your next session? Depends on the project but yes quite often.

What do you do in your spare time besides your art? Travel, read, concerts, experimenting with art mediums. If I am back home I ride my horse and work in the woods.

Which musicians are you currently interested in? Ani Difranco, Emily Wells, PJ Harvey, Bright eyes, Johnny Cash, Flat Mountain Girls…

Are there any events you are looking forward to attending? A trip to China, Burning man, oh so far away… South America…
How long do you generally take on a piece? Varies significantly. A day to a few weeks, sometimes months.

Have you jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of your art? Yes, I have refused to work on projects because of conflicting ideologies ( i.e. nestle skinny cow, lingerie ). Most of my friends and family have become distanced as I lack the time necessary to sustain close relationships.

Do you work on multiple projects at once? Constantly.

Do you have trouble parting with your finished work? Because most of my design work is disposable, no. Everything else that has more artistic value I give to friends and family.