This is a poster I was commissioned to do for the Central Sierra Arts Council. The Returning show was filled with the work of artists like myself who were raised in Tuolumne County, moved away and concentrated on creative/artistic fields. BZ Smith, Marilyn Hobbs and myself were the organizers of the event and while I am still in town I hope to take it over and bring more up-and-coming kids into it. Many of the artists are part of my Artist Surveys so check those out. This project was severely influenced by the work of Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich, an amazing typographer. My father gave me a book of typographical portraits that de Cumptich self published and I was immediately in awe.
(portraits from de Vicq’s book Men of Letters and People of Substance)
I have since seen many many different versions of typographical illustration. A recent one I stumbled across was the 12 month, typographic, pin-up calendar by London design agency Taylor Lane. It was a promotional piece that I am sure got them a larger customer base. I haven’t found all of the images in one place, but the blog 2WENTY 4OUR has a few.
(Miss Bondini, January. Taylor Lane promo piece)
*I have just found that EPiCA has all of the images at high resolution!