The Return of the Returning Show!

Good news everybody! I have recently been called upon by the Central Sierra Arts Council to resurrect the exhibit of young local artists, known as the Returning Show! The collection will be hung at the newly remodeled Stage 3 Theatre in downtown Sonora, CA. Many of the artist from the previous show will be displaying new works along with some new talent not yet seen in by the art community. The show is slated to run from September 18th–October 18th so don’t miss it. The reception will most likely be on Friday, Sept 18th with more art and an after party at the Frog & Fiddle (located right across the street). Negotiations with Fantasy Metal Island are in the works for the musical entertainment. I will post any new information for this event as I get it.

Here is a glimpse at some pieces I am working on that will make their appearance at the show:


{more linoleum icons for monoprints}


{Tucker v UTL : mixed media : collaborative piece in progress}


{I… I think I just saw something in the bushes…}

UTLTRN v. Tuolumne

It is my goal to have a bad ass printmaking workshop.

  • A place where I can create day and night.
  • A place where I can get friends and family involved in creating.
  • A place open to the public.
  • A place to hold concerts, parties and events.
  • A place to teach and entertain.
  • A place with stickers wallpapering the bathroom.
  • A place with concrete floors, stained with ink.


  • Are you bored with the local “scene”?
  • Are you searching for a reason to stay in Tuolumne County?
  • Would you attend workshops on postering, garment printing and customization?
  • Do you want to know what today’s street artists, printmakers and fashionistas are up too?

I want to expose the local yokel to silk screen and relief printing, social propaganda, custom clothing and a sense of pride in accomplishing what is believed to be solely in the hands of industry. I feel that Tuolumne City is in need for an artistic renaissance. There are several empty buildings that are waiting for occupants. There are several creative, anxious people in town waiting for an opportunity. It is a perfect match and let me tell you no one is going to start this for us. No one in the Chamber of Commerce is looking to nurture the arts. They are going to let fail safe, business-in-a-box chain stores to the county. With the coming arrival of the Black Oak Hotel and Golf Course, Tuolumne City has the opportunity to become a really cool place. Lets kick out the meth heads and sweep up the syringes and Keystone Light cans.

Leave a comment and let me know if I should bother with this place or should I just forget about it and move on.