Forest Stearns gettin’ a nod

Hometown Hero, Forest Stearns, and his hommie, Arian Stevens, got up in Juxtapoz’s Calendar for their upcoming show in Oregon. It is only a matter of time before they are featured on the cover! You can read the show description here. Their upcoming show will be at the new Portland-area gallery known as the Someone Gallery. I looks like a cool place to chill if you find yourself in Oregon. I know I will be hitting it up the next chance I get.

Someone Gallery

Someone Gallery is brand new to the down town Portland area. Located right next door to PSU at 2718 SW Kelly, Someone Gallery is part of a much bigger multi-faceted project. The layout of our building has a wide variety of hardwood flooring everywhere you look making our presentation space immaculate. The Gallery is also part of the Someone Clothing shop, where artist Someone offers tons of art-driven clothing and one-of-a-kind products plus he continues the art shows with his own art, which will be on permanent display. We keep two artists up for two months at a time, and there is a room downstairs that we have dedicated solely to art installations. Though the shows run for two months, the installation room will be painted every month at the Last Friday party we throw. Along with our monthly parties, we also have in-store performances and events frequently, so keep posted to and come visit us soon!

Makin’ My Trailer Purtty


I am sorry that I have been slackin’ on the posts but I am in the middle of a lot of projects and haven’t finished anything for a while. Here are my new pieces of art that I have acquired over the last month or so. First is the huge ass, completely amazing Sam Flores piece titled Flores y Zorro that I won from It is a massive 4ft x 6ft acrylic and spray paint on canvas. I won it by simply entering my email address on the Upper Playground site for their 10th Anniversary giveaway. Flores is a well know Bay Area artist who I first discovered in Juxtapoz Magazine. The piece was hand delivered to me by Adam Krohn, the VP or Upper Playground who is a pretty cool guy.


The next piece was given to me by Forest Stearns when he was in town for the Art Show a couple weeks ago. It is a limited edition, several color, 18in x 23in screen print which I believe is titled The End of an Era. Forest’s work is always enjoyable to look at. There are plenty of little creatures and nuances I discover every time I look at this piece.


My final piece came when I ordered Mastodon‘s deluxe Crack the Skye packaging which came with a 14in x 14in lithograph of Paul Romano’s album art. Romano’s design has made a huge impact on my work since I discover him and Mastodon on a shelf at a Tower Records in Long Beach. The music is great, the packaging is great. Check it out.


Of course these aren’t in their final and proper hanging devices, but I just wanted ya’ll to see them. If anyone has a sweet baby blue frame to for the Stearns piece let me know!